Friday, August 30, 2019

August News

Hello, friends! It’s hard to believe summer’s already coming to an end! I hope your summer was as restful or adventurous as you needed it to be and you’re ready for autumn. After two years in Florida where they don’t have autumn, I can’t wait for bright leaves, sweaters, and hot cocoa.

Here is my writerly news for August:

The first and biggest is that I have been nominated by TWO magazines for the Best of the Net! “The Water Station” was nominated by Editor Allison Blevins at The Harbor Review,

and “Without” was nominated by Editor Katie Manning and the rest of the team at Whale Road Review.

It’s an incredible honor just to be nominated. My deepest thanks to these editors for believing in my work, and congratulations to my fellow nominees!

On a bittersweet note, the anniversary edition of Voice of Eve magazine came out this month—unfortunately, it will be the last edition. My poem “Hirsute Woman,” was nominated by readers and selected by a panel of judges to be included in their farewell. My heartfelt thanks to the editors for being so wonderfully supportive of women writers. Read it at Issuu here.

On the usual publication front, I am pleased to be a part of the inaugural issue of Black Coffee Review, which includes my poem, "Nameless." Many thanks to editor Dave Taylor for launching this beautiful new literary site.

Strange Fruit: Poems on the Death Penalty is now available on Amazon as a paperback. An ebook is forthcoming. This new anthology includes my poems, "The Heart Goes Last" and "In Event of Moon Disaster." This is a subject I care deeply about. I encourage anyone interested in justice to give it a read. Thank you to editor Sarah Zale for compiling this timely collection.

My poem, “Empire of the Fireflies,” appeared on Silver Pinion. My thanks to editor D.C. Wojciech for sharing my work.

“Chasing Grace” appeared in the latest issue of Panoply. Thank you to editors Andrea, Jeff and Ryn.

Some new reviews have come in on my poetry books. A new 5-star review on Requiem for a Robot Dog on Amazon called it “intelligent and thought-provoking.”

A 5-star review on West Side Girl & Other Poems on Goodreads said, “The whole book is a studio of canvases showing all the sides of life.”

Thank you to these kind readers for taking the time to leave feedback.

And finally, I am thrilled to share that I will be reading my poetry in Chicago next month! I have been invited to the Woman Made Gallery's Consumerism and the Stuff of Consumption event on September 22 at 2 p.m. If you’re in the Chicago area, I hope you stop by!

Thank you for reading! Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!