
Monday, January 1, 2018

December News

Happy 2018! I hope you've all had a terrific holiday season and are looking forward to the New Year/blank slate as much as I am. 

I closed out 2017 on an exceptionally high note. I am thrilled to share with everyone that my poem, "Meteor," received the 2017 Door is a Jar AwardI wrote "Meteor" shortly after David Bowie passed away. I had just watched The Man Who Fell to Earth, and had all that in mind when I wrote it. Truly, it's such an honor to have my work recognized. Getting published anywhere is always so rewarding-- to go beyond that really bowls me over. 

My work also made its third appearance in Darrell Laurant's Snowflakes in a Blizzard. I did an interview regarding The Ice Dragon-- apropos for the holidays. Every time I mention Snowflakes in a Blizzard on this blog, I encourage everyone to really spend some time browsing it. Laurant does a phenomenal job of sifting through the millions of indie authors out there and spotlighting unique voices. It's like the coolest little virtual book store. 

ICYMI, all of my titles are now available on Kindle Unlimited. This month, Our Miss Engel received a five-star review:

"Interesting and well-written. No goofy sparkly guys here! Frances Hodgson Burnett with a twist."

"The poet holds nothing back. She puts it all out there... This book takes me to the multidimensional sides of a person. Many poems in the book have an irreverent wildness. The persona engages in and is highly aware of the culture, the joys and horrors of it. She makes the reader think. Scharhag leaps and embraces vulnerability. There is a toughness, sexuality, and good vs evil in her poems. Her poems are honest, raw and dramatic. She speaks both of faith and of the uncles who turn stolen goods into coke, crack, hash and cash..."

Thanks very much to these kind readers! 

I've already got several publications lined up for 2018. I can't wait to see where the creative journey will lead next. 

Thanks, as always, for reading! Best wishes to all.

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