
Thursday, June 28, 2018

June News

Happy Summer everyone!

Two poems, "Fondant" and "Sidekick" appeared in Sheila-Na-Gig's summer edition. "Fondant" is about my mother's old cake-baking side business. "Sidekick" is a poem I wrote after someone once said to me that I could never be the hot girl in a movie, but only the sidekick. At the time, it really hurt my feelings, but I think there's something to be said for the Willow Rosenbergs of the world, yeah?

You can read both poems here.

I also wanted to share that I got a lovely review on Our Miss Engel, my vampire novella:

Thanks, Debra! I'm always thrilled to get feedback of any kind. Our Miss Engel is very near and dear to my heart, and I still toy with the idea of writing a sequel to it. With the impending conclusion of the O4S series, who knows?

As always, thanks to all of you for reading! Stay cool out there.

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