
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

New Release: Midnight Glossolalia

I’m thrilled to share that my latest poetry collection, Midnight Glossolalia, written in collaboration with Scott Ferry and Lillian Nećakov, is now available in paperback from Meat for Tea Press and on Amazon.

To promote the book, we have some upcoming readings scheduled:

Next Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30-9:00pm US ET, we will be the featured readers on Moore Poetry. Open mic to follow. Check out the Moore Poetry FB page for more info about the show. Many thanks to Christopher Moore for hosting. Please join us via Zoom.

We'll be hosting our own virtual reading with Tina Marie Johnson emceeing on Sunday, March 19, at 4 pm ET.

There will be at least one other reading that we’re working on scheduling. Hope some of you are able to tune in! And ICYMI, we did an interview on the Meat for Tea Podcast earlier this month. It’s also available on Goodpods, Spotify, and other podcast stations.

About the Book
In Midnight Glossolalia, three poets braid their voices into a kingdom of dark matter, speaking in tongues on subjects both modern and mystical. These 63 poems are an alchemical brew composed of gods, ghosts, UFOs, alternate dimensions, ancestors, science, technology, math, music, nature, and Fruit Loops. They are the chemtrails of lost songs, a muffled heart piano swelling with the mystery of existence.

About Scott and Lillian
Scott Ferry helps our Veterans heal as a RN in the Seattle area. His seventh book of poetry, The Long Blade of Days Ahead, is now available from Impspired Press. More of his work can be found at

Lillian Nećakov is the author many chapbooks, as well as the full-length collections il virus (Anvil Press, Hooligans (Mansfield Press), The Bone Broker (Mansfield Press), Hat Trick (Exile Editions), Polaroids (Coach House Books) and The Sickbed of Dogs (Wolsak and Wynn). Her new book, duck eats yeast, quacks, explodes; man loses eye, a collaborative poem with Gary Barwin, is forthcoming in May 2023 from Guernica Editions. Lillian lives in Toronto, Canada.

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