
Friday, June 28, 2024

June News

My poetry collection, Ain’t These Sorrows Sweet, is now available to purchase from Amazon and Roadside Press.
Check out the latest review:
“There is much to live through in these poems, much to survive through, and we feel every pang, every triumph, every release." Thank you to Scott Ferry. Read his complete review at Heavy Feathers.


My review of Fill Me with Birds by Scott Ferry and Daniel McGinn is up at Heavy Feathers.

My poem, “Pando,” is in the latest issue of Thimble Magazine. Thank you to editor Nadia Arioli. The above picture is the cover art by Emelly Velasco.


My short story collection, Screaming Intensifies, is coming soon from Whiskey City Press. More details to come. In the meantime, enjoy this cool cover art, designed by John Patrick Robbins.

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