
Thursday, August 29, 2024

August News

TOP 50!

I received news this month that my short story, "Feather and Scale," made it to the top 50 of the Roadmap Writers Short Story Competition. Thank you so much to the judges and congrats to my fellow quarterfinalists. I'm afraid that I have since heard that my story did not advance to the top 25, but of course, it is still a huge honor to have made the long list! 

"Feather and Scale" is the story of a man shipwrecked on a deserted island who is menaced by a mermaid. It originally appeared in Meat for Tea magazine and will be in my forthcoming short story collection, Screaming Intensifies, from Whiskey City Press. (More on that below.)


I will be the featured guest on the Muse's Mic, a virtual literary series sponsored by SpoFest, on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6-7 pm CT. Hope some of you can tune in!


Part 1 of my new dark fantasy romance, In the King's Power, will be dropping in just a few days! It will be only 99 cents as an ebook, and will be available through Kindle Unlimited.

Details about the series are available here, including an excerpt and the publishing schedule. I will post again when the book is live. Part 2 will be available October 1. 

Also coming soon, just in time for Halloween - my short story collection, Screaming Intensifies, from Whiskey City Press. I just received my proof copy, so it will be dropping any day. Many thanks to the Whiskey City team for making this happen. 

Thank you for reading! Hope you get a chance to check out some of my new work. 

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