Hey folks! I have big news to share this month. First, the usual publication roundup:
My poem, "The Invention of Blue," was published in Isacoustic, first on their online magazine, and then again in their quarterly anthology, available through Lulu. The poem is about the theory that primitive humans couldn't perceive the color blue.
"Blood Orange" appeared in Minute Magazine, a free online zine dedicated to poems about little things. I think this one's fairly self-explanatory.
I saved the biggest news for last-- I just completed a first draft of The Order of the Four Sons, Book V. It only took five years, right? I promise Book VI will not take nearly so long. As you'll recall, Book IV left off with our heroes landing in Cerulean, intending to take the fight to Starry Wisdom.
Now I have to go through the process of re-writes, edits, formatting and all that behind-the-scenes stuff. I'm hoping for an August or September release date, but I'll keep you posted. Look for some O4S-related posts and giveaways between now and then.
As always, thank you for reading!