Thursday, February 25, 2021

February News

Hello, friends! February has been a very busy month around here.  

I am now an associate editor for GLEAM: A Journal of the Cadralor, a new magazine dedicated to a new poetic form, the cadralor. The English major in me geeks out every time I get to tell people I am working on a magazine that showcases a new poetic structure. We are currently reading submissions for Issue 2 (deadline to submit is Feb. 28, but we will open again soon for Issue 3). We just hosted a cadralor-writing workshop this past Wednesday. If you are interested in writing a cadralor or just want to learn more about it, check out the magazine website at Instructions are up under the submissions tab on how to write cadralore. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you want to try your hand at it but aren’t sure if you succeeded. We want to nurture the new form and encourage talented poets to master it. 

This coming Monday, March 1 at 8 pm EST, some of my co-editors at GLEAM and I will be doing Songs of Selah with Scott Thomas Outlar on Blog Talk Radio. We will be talking about the journal. Some of the poets who contributed to the inaugural issue will call in to read their work. Hope you can tune in. Listen live here

On to my usual news:  

I am thrilled to share that five of my poems have been published in Lothlorien Journal
The Gilded Monk
Where Man Doth Not Inhabit

I’m really excited about this new magazine that publishes the strange and fantastic. My deepest thanks to editor Strider Marcus Jones, who said in his kind acceptance email, “I am deeply honored to accept all five of these astounding poems for publication in the Journal today. I think you have a unique poetic voice and this resonates in each of these poems. Superb style, imagery, themes, language and rhythm.”

I have a new poem up at the Rye Whiskey Review, "A Seat at the Table." Many thanks to John Patrick Robbins for continuing to give my work a home.

I received my copy of Gnashing Teeth's winter issue. It's a limited print edition, but copies are still available

Also, I am pleased to share that I entered the Lumiere Review’s Poetry Contest. Out of over 3,000 entries, they let me know I am in the Top 100.

One of my goals for 2021 was to work more on short stories. I have four out for submissions. One of them, “The Wishing Hole,” I submitted to a short story contest. I did not win, but the judges let me know I made the Top 10! I guess this means I’m doing something right.

And finally, I'm pleased to share that I made the 5 Authors You Should Meet list on the website, We Who Create. Many thanks to editor Darrell Laurant.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you are surviving the winter weather and that, wherever you are, spring is just around the corner!