Other Publications

Here is a list of venues and magazines that have included my work with links where available to view or purchase. Please let me know if a link is broken. 

New Feathers Anthology 2024, (print) "Father" 

Locust Shells Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, "At Culver's Drive-Thru"

Ultramarine Literary Review (Chile), "Mono no Aware"

SFPA Halloween Reading 2024, "The Ghost Forest"

Heavy Feather Review, Poetry Review: Lauren Scharhag Reads Scott Ferry and Daniel McGinn's Call-and-Response, Fill Me with Birds 

New Feathers, Spring 2024 Issue, "Father," "Sorting the Beans" 

Ghost City Review, "A Food Court in Hell"

The Argyle, "Things My Uncles Made in Prison," "Two Inches," "Lucy's Last Days," "Flores," "motley"  


The Rye Whiskey Review, "Skinny Dipping"

Points of Light: Poems to Express Gratitude for Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic - "Beginning at age 28..." and "To all those strong enough..." (Proceeds from this book go to the KU School of Nursing Alumni Association)

Aji Magazine, Issue 18: The Moon, "Raspberries and Rum" 

Aphelion, Issue 283, Vol. 27, "Little Brown Changeling" (2024 Rhysling Award finalist)

Thanatos, Issue 2: Grief and Grieving, "Below the Bible Belt" (2024 Rhysling Award nominee)

The Dead Pets Poetry Anthology, "The Ledger," "Jack and Lucy" (Proceeds from this book go to the ASPCA)

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Another poem about the moon"

Aphelion, Issue 282, Vol. 27, "When the Honeymoon is Over" (2024 Rhysling Award nominee)

Lothlorien Journal, Vol. 20: Masks of Many Colours (UK), "Medusa Browses the Beauty Aisle," "The Ghost Forest," "Curse of the Spider Woman," "Snakes and Boxes," "Root"

Ice Floe Press, Cassandra/Chorale Project, "Medusa Browses the Beauty Aisle"

Setu Magazine, Western Voices Edition, 2023, "Curandera," "Overlook," "Lambent"

The Black Shamrock Magazine, Issue 4, "Light Studies," "Heaven Spelled Backwards," "The Pottery Shard Graveyard"

The Rumen, "The Beast's Bayou" (short story)

Death Nail, Issue 1, "Those We Serve" (short story); "Gastromancy," "The Wishing Hole" (flash fiction)

Decomp Journal, Issue 6: Refugee Futurities, "The Two of Coins" (audio version included); 2024 Rhysling Award nominee

Written Tales Magazine, "Home for Christmas"

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Earth and Sky"

Lothlorien Poetry Journal (UK), "Medusa Browses the Beauty Aisle," "The Ghost Forest," "Curse of the Spider Woman," "Snakes and Boxes," "Root"

Voices from the Writers Place, Vol. 2, (audiobook) "Alligator Tooth"

Illumen Magazine, Winter 2023, "Backwards and in Glass Heels," "Haunted Algorithm"

Shoggoth.net, Horror Advent Calendar, "The Devil's Trap" (short story)

Marrow Magazine, "Electronic Voice Phenomenon"

Stone Poetry Quarterly, "Endlings," "Faded Ink," "Night Shades"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Emotional Labor"

Yellow Mama Webzine, Issue 94, "The Wasp and the Fig" (short story)

Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry), "Fourth of July"

Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry), "Hallway," "The Moon Doesn't Ask"

SFPA 2022 Speculative Poetry Contest, Long Form, Honorable Mention, "Haunted Algorithm"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Prayer for the Excommunicated"

Meat for Tea, Dahlia Issue, "Feather and Scale," (short story); "Sacrum," "Heart," "Crown"

It Takes All Kinds, Issue 8, "Cherry," "Ghosts of the Great Plains"

The Queer Weird West Anthology, LIBRAtiger (Australia), "No Mercy Down in the Mine" (short story)

Unlikely Stories Mark V, "Portrait of an Amateur Roadkill Artist," "Interdimensional Border Town," "Contradiction" ("Interdimensional Border Town" - 2023 Rhysling Award nominee)

Revue PØST, Issue 9 (Canada), "Watermelon"

Setu Magazine, Western Voices Edition 2022, "Exude," "River," "Liminality"

Meat for Tea, Russian Caravan Issue, "Treasures of the Czars"

The 2021 Writers Place Yearbook, "Women Alone" (purchase paperback on Amazon, or download free e-copy)

206-Word Anthology, Bag of Bones Press (UK), "Merchandise" (short story; 206-Word Story Contest shortlist)

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Comfort Food"

50-Word Stories, "Sinew" (microfiction)

Schlock! Webzine (UK), "Insatiable" (short story)

The Black Shamrock Magazine, Issue 3, "Hesitation," "The Sound Barrier," "Tangled"

Plainsongs, Winter 2022, "Snow, Frost, Moon" (Copies available for purchase in print and digital)

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Trypophobia"

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Storytellers"

Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Vol. 5: Metropolis Drift (UK),"Cursed Images," "Of a Feather," "Service Dogs," "The Holy Sweet," "The Dead Watch"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Water Street"

The Abyss Magazine, "The Second Shadow" (short story)

Sledgehammer Lit, "Abundance"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "St. Teresa's Day"

Sledgehammer Literary Journal (UK), "First Blood, Last Blood"

Lothlorien Poetry Journal, "Cursed Images," "Of a Feather," "Service Dogs," "The Holy Sweet," "The Dead Watch"

BigCityLit, "Anisomelia"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Metaphysics and Bananas"

Pocket Lint #2 (Canada), "After," "High School Reunion"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Under the Periwinkle"

Lothlorien Poetry Journal Volume 1: The Fellowship of the Pen"Priestess," "The Gilded Monk," "Necromancy," "Where Man Doth Not Inhabit," "Orenda"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "The Skinner Box"

Libretto Magazine, Issue 5 (Nigeria), "Magic Eye," "Theoxenia"

Life and Legends, Issue 10, "Magic Eye," "No Bees in Antarctica," "Monarch"

Levitate, Issue 5, "Women Alone" (YouTube video of contributors reading their work, including myself, here)

Sage Soup, Issue 1, "Homebody, Homespirit," "The Popcorn Factory"

POETiCA REViEW, Issue 9, Spring 2021 (UK), "The Real Meaning of Inferno" 

Pensive, Black Lives Matter Edition, Spring 2021, (Northeastern University), "Confiscated"

Curating Home, "All the West Side Girls Love Lou Diamond Phillips"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Asylum Prayer"

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Consumption"

Setu Magazine, Western Voices Edition 2021, (India), "Trap, Neuter, Release," "The Ice Cream Churn," "Solace"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "A Seat at the Table" (2021 Best of the Net nominee)

Anvil Tongue Books, "Learning to Floss," "Extremophile," "Beauty Released," "Sisters in Mo(u)rning," "El Chingue y Chingue" ("Beauty Released" - 2021 Best of the Net nominee, "Extremophile" - 2022 Rhysling Award nominee) 

Lothlorien Poetry Journal (UK), "Priestess," "The Gilded Monk," "Necromancy," "Where Man Doth Not Inhabit," "Orenda"; ("Priestess" - 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee, 2022 Rhysling Award nominee)

Gnashing Teeth, The Winter Zine, "White Noise" (limited print run)

The Dope Fiend Daily, "Confection" (Pushcart Prize nominee 2022)

Rough Cut Press, "The Long Night"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Jack & Lucy"

MacQueen's Quinterly, Issue 6, "Hair Work"


The Racket, Issue #33, "Estate Sale"

Gleam: A Journal of the Cadralor, "Alligator Tooth," "Acheiropoieta" ("Acheiropoieta" - 2020 Pushcart Prize nominee, 2021 Best of the Net nominee)

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Christmas Fudge"

The Dope Fiend Daily, "The Twelfth of Never"

From the Ashes: How we survived in the season of tumult virtual art show (University of Kansas), "Confection," "Happy Trails," "Forever Home"

Last Leaves, "Inauspicious," "Now Hiring  losers"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Here Be Dragons"

Madness Muse Press, Issue #2, "Happy Trails," "Forever Home," "Minor Arcana," "Homemade Wine"

POETiCA REViEW, Featured Poem, "The Real Meaning of Inferno"

Fleas on the Dog, "Virtual Cloister," "All the West Side Girls Love Lou Diamond Phillips," "On loving a fat girl" (direct link to poems)

The Rye Whiskey Review, "The Fable of the Tiger"

One Hand Clapping, "Supernatural"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Futility and Other Sins"

1870, "Knowing You," "Virtual Cloister"

Art in the Time of COVID-19, San Fedele Press, "Still"

The Rye Whiskey Review, "Dusk"

Setu Magazine, Western Voices Edition 2020 (India), "Ay de Mi," "Daybreak," "The Unseeing"

Mantis, Issue 18 (Stanford University), "Emerge"

The Honest Ulsterman (Northern Ireland), "Comfort Animals" 

Artifact Nouveau, "The Clock-Drawing Test," "A Jazz Fable," "Aquarium"

Change Seven, "Surprise Blooms"

Sleet Magazine, Millennial Edition, "Spirit Death" 

Heron Clan VII, "Daybreak," "Found Photos," "Parisian Phoenix by Way of Texas" 

Lethe Literary and Art Journal (Koç University, Turkey), “Waiting for Anubis,” “Woodpecker in Winter”


Inverse Journal (India), "Christmas Eve"

The Gasconade Review, Ladies' Night, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, "The Macaws," "Epigenetics," "Inheritance"

Peculiar, Issue 7, "Deactivated" 

Re-Side, Issue 3, Winter 2019, "Chaos Theory"

Unearthed (SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry), "Girl With a Gun," "Parisian Phoenix by Way of Texas"

KC Reach Out and Read Event, "The Page," "Suburban Library"

1st Place Winner, 2019 Seamus Burns Creative Writing Competition (Northern Ireland), "Comfort Animals"

CultureCult Magazine, Issue 14 (India), "Past Life as a Man," "Chthonic"

Doubleback Magazine, Issue 1:1, "The Minotaur's Daughter," "West Side Girl"

Barren Magazine, Issue 11: Bifurcate, "Hoop Dreams"

Shortlisted for the 2019 Seamus Burns Creative Writing Competition (Northern Ireland) - "Comfort Animals"

Panoply, "Chasing Grace"

Silver Pinion, "Empire of the Fireflies"

Strange Fruit: Poems on the Death Penalty, "The Heart Goes Last," "In Event of Moon Disaster" 

Black Coffee Review, Fall 2019, "Nameless"

The Wild Word, Issue #41, Long Summer Nights (Germany), "Return," "Jesus Flicks," "Girl with a Cigarette" ("Return" - 2020 Best of the Net nominee)

Ponder Savant, The Art of Depression Series, "Paper Wasps"

Mojave River Review, Spring/Summer 2019, "Kitten Love," "Casino Christmas"

Total Eclipse, Issue 1, "Canada Geese," "The Riddle of the Bees"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "A Feast for Mosquitoes"

Alien Buddha Zine #7, "Pardon"

Duck Lake Journal, Vol. 1, "The Strawberry Festival," "Sandpipers"

Otherwise Engaged, Vol. 3, "Christmas Eve," "New Year's Eve Talamada," "Intimacy"

Alien Buddha Zine #6, "Lauren Scharhag Reviews Red Focks' Dead Celebrities" (book review)

The Ekphrastic Review, "Girl Alone"

Former People, "Disembody," "D.," "Ozone"

The Literary Nest, "Waiting"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Tiny Effigies"

Nixes Mate, "Evacuation," "Chimera"

La Scrittrice, "Goddess Poem"

memoryhouse, TOUCH issue, "Resonance," "Brain Ghosts"

Loud Zoo (Bedlam Publishing), "Garbage Pail Kids," "Southpaw," "Linda Martinez and Ed McMahon Say Hello From the Afterlife," "No, I don't have a foot fetish," "Grandma's Fan" (magazine includes audio recording, or listen on SoundCloud)

Stanzaic Stylings, "Faces," "The Nostalgia Project"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "The Nostalgia Project"

Ariel Chart, "The Little Holly Market" (short story)

Stanzaic Stylings, "Night Song" 

Ariel Chart, "Astronomical Events" (short story) 

Anti-Heroin Chic, "Bug Out," "Low"

Alien Buddha Zine #4, "Therapy," "The List"

The Woven Tale Press (electronic edition), "Crystal River," "Super Blue Blood Moon," "Buddhas on Death Row"; print edition; (featured poem, "Buddhas on Death Row")

The Pika Journal (Mauritius), "Freshwater"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Exit 74 to Richmond"

Stanzaic Stylings, "World Tree"

Dissident Voice, "We were in the corner, away from the windows."

Stanzaic Stylings, "Litter"

Stanzaic Stylings, "Destin"

Dissident Voice, "Our Song"

Unlikely Stories Mark V, "Amen," "Exit 74 to Richmond," "The God of Elephants"

Inverse Journal (India), "Rorschach," "Evacuation," "Tiny Effigies," "Sunday"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Deactivated"

Cajun Mutt Press, "Injury"

Ariel Chart, "The Strawberry Festival," "Venn Diagram," "Unburied," "The Pleiades," "Moving Day"

The Pangolin Review (Mauritius), "The Bus Station," "The Eighth Kind," "Bowie"

The Harbor Review, "The Water Station" (2019 Best of the Net nominee)


Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Out of Order"

Herstry, "DeeJay Love"

The Conclusion Magazine (Bangladesh), "Prodigal," "Acacia"

Io Literary Journal (print edition), "Hunting Island"

Thimble Literary Magazine, "The Ledger"

Heliopause Magazine (online), "Dervish," "Seed," "The End," "Saffron," "Deep Creek," "Dear Abuela" (print copies available on Amazon

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Elemental"

Herstry, "Bypass"

Voice of Eve, Issue 5, "Hirsute Woman," "High Water Lines," "Varanasi"

The Rockvale Review, "Morels," "The Call Box"

Peinate: Hair Battles Between Latina Mothers & Daughters, "Abuela," "Piojos"

trampset, "Requiem for a Robot Dog"

Whale Road Review, "Without" (2019 Best of the Net nominee) 

Brenda, BLOOM issue (UK), "Rootstock," "Cicada"

Flint Hills Review, Issue 23, "Day of the Dead," "Large-Breasted Woman"

The Warriors with Wings Anthology, "I Dreamt James Baldwin Was My Father," "The Peanut Festival," "Unused"

Io Literary Journal's Refractions (online), "Achilles' Fetish" (short story)

Gambling the Aisle, "Papaya"

Brenda online (UK), "The Tattoo Artist" 

Sheila-Na-Gig, "Fondant," "Sidekick"

Dying Dahlia Review, "Whale Songs at 52 Hertz"

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "eDreams"

Minute Magazine, "Blood Orange"

Isacoustic, "The Invention of Blue" (reprinted in Isacoustic's quarterly anthology)

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Retconning"

Willawaw Journal, "Montego Bay"

Two Lungs Publications' International Women's Day edition (UK), "Days of Bread and Razors"

Mermaid Mirror: An Anthology of Women Writers, "Scenes From a Women's Bathroom Stall," "Mi Pelo"

Ramingo's Porch (Italy), "Retconning"

Five : 2 : One's #thesideshow, "The God Sieve," "The Bus Ride," "Asphalt Fruit," "Looks Back Into You," "Running Barefoot"

The Turnip Truck(s), "Pisces," "Nests" 

Schlock! Webzine (UK), "The Seven Wives of Richard Copeland" (short story; reprinted in Schlock's Quarterly Anthology)

The Broke Bohemian, "That One I Wrote During the Eclipse" (Editor's Choice)

Duane's PoeTree Blog, "Migraine"


Poetry Breakfast, "Mama"

Aji Magazine, "Cemetery with Whale Bones," "The Submersed"

The MacGuffin, "Male Nude"

Into the Void (Canada), "Nuestra Señora de Ogilvie"

The I-70 Review, "Arrowheads"

Cargo (Canada), "Koan," "The Dog Star," "Memorial Day," "Prison Mofongo," "Life Support"

Door is a Jar, "Meteor" 
(2017 Door is a Jar Award winner),"Dashed on the Rocks" 

EAT: A Literature + Photoraphy Installation, Norton Center for the Arts, "Churrascaria" (Honorable Mention)

The American Journal of Poetry, "The Heart Goes Last," "The Art of the Backyard Haircut"

The Santa Clara Review, "In Event of Moon Disaster"

Panoply, "Little Birds"

Wraparound South, "Mother's Day," "Liberation," "The Laborers"

Joey and the Black Boots, "The Love Song of Trees," "Storm"

The GNU Journal, "The Debriding"


The Voices Project, "Languages, First and Last"

The Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, "Medicine Wheel," "I Scream, You Scream"

Referential Magazine, "Wild Onions" (reprinted in Referential Magazine's Best Of 2010-2016 edition.) 


D20 Girls Magazine, "Zombies Anonymous" (short story; reprinted in A World of Terror anthology)

The SNReview"La Tutayegua" (short story)


Infectus, "The Minotaur's Daughter," "Hard Boiled Eggs," "Untitled"

The Rockhurst Review"Delirium"

Sigma Tau Delta Midwest, "Paper Cuts"


Infectus, "Eye of the Hormiga," "Hanging Blood" 

The Rockhurst Review, "What Nourishes Me"

Glass: A Journal of Poetry, "Ash, Tallow, Candle, Flame, Soap," "O, Bury Me Not"

Verdad Magazine, "Chasing the Worm," "Totem Tortuga," "The Trick of Falling Asleep"

Words-MYTH (UK), "The Wings of Horus"

In the Mist, "Mea Maxima Culpa"


A Tender Touch and a Shade of Blue, "Good Bread"


cold-drill, "Lecciones"

Compass Rose, "West Side Girl"