Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March News


I still have copies of Midnight Glossolalia. If you'd like a copy, it's $17. Please email or message me, and I'll be happy to send you one! It's also available on Amazon and Meat for Tea


Skinwalker” appeared in the Mitchell Pluto Artzine. Thank you to Mitchell for publishing this piece.

“Light Studies,” “Heaven Spelled Backwards,” and “The Pottery Shard Graveyard” are in Issue 4 of The Black Shamrock. My deepest gratitude, as always, to editor John Patrick Robbins.

“Curandera,” “Overlook” and “Lambent” appeared in Setu Magazine’s annual Western Voices Edition. Thank you to guest editor Thomas Scott Outlar and to EiC Anurag Sharma.

Medusa Browses the Beauty Aisle,” is up at Ice Floe Press as part of their Cassandra/Chorale Mythology Project. Many thanks to editor Robert Frede Kenter. The poem is paired with art by Robert, “Display Case – Medusa Goes Shopping.” This poem will appear in my poetry collection, Moonlight and Monsters, forthcoming from Gnashing Teeth Press.

“Medusa Browses the Beauty Aisle,” “The Ghost Forest,” “Curse of the Spider Woman,” “Snakes and Boxes” and “Root” appear in Lothlorien Journal, Vol. 20: Masks of Many Colours, which is now available to purchase on Lulu. You can also read these poems for free at Lothlorien online. Many thanks to editor Strider Marcus Jones.


My brilliant co-authors, Scott Ferry and Lillian Necakov, and I did two more readings this month to promote our new release, Midnight Glossolalia (Meat for Tea Press). They’re both available to watch on video.

The first was at SpoFest. Thank you to fabulous hosts, James Bryant and Rick Christiansen.

The second was hosted by Tina Marie Johnson of Blue Mountain Creative Consulting. To access, input passcode &uN2d&7C.


The Queer Weird West Tales Anthology has been shortlisted for a 2022 Aurealis Award. Congrats to editor Julie Bozza and to my fellow contributors. Copies are available on Amazon, Smashwords, and other retailers. 

Gleam is now open for submissions through April 30! Get those cadralore in!