Thursday, April 29, 2021

April News

Hello, friends! I am pleased to share my April news with you:

Something different and exciting this month-- my poem, "Garbage Pail Kids," (originally published in Loud Zoo, now appearing in my collection Requiem for a Robot Dog) was translated into Japanese and turned into a song by Tripp Kirby and Yu Maharani. The song was used in a short film that's making the film festival circuit. It has been nominated for best song at Grindsploitation 2021. How cool is that? 

"Innocence," is in the latest issues of New Feathers Anthology, edited by Wade Fox.

"All the West Side Girls Love Lou Diamond Phillips," is in the Curating Home anthology, a collection of poems about Kansas City, by Kansas City poets. Many thanks to the editors and to Woodneath Press. It's now available as an ebook and in paperback from Amazon.

“Confiscated,” is in the Black Lives Matter issue of Pensive. My profoud thanks to the editors for giving dedicated space to this subject. My piece isn't exactly BLM-related-- it's an ekphrastic poem inspired by El Sueño Americano | The American Dream: Photographs by Tom Kiefer.

"The Real Meaning of Inferno," is in the latest issue of POETiCA REViEW, and will be nominated for a 2021 Best of the Net. I am so grateful to the editors Mark A. Murphy and Kieran Conway for this honor. 

And finally, I'm thrilled to share that Issue 2 of GLEAM: A Journal ofthe Cadralor is now live. Congratulations to all our contributors, and many thanks to everyone who attended the launch party. I hope you check out the work by these amazing poets, and I will share when we are open for submissions for Issue 3. 

Thank you for reading!