Folks, I'm not gonna lie. This is my favorite part of the series, and I am so excited to share it with all of you. If you love it half as much as I do, I can die happy.
Part 5 of
In the King's Power will drop on Amazon January 1, $3.99 to purchase, free on Kindle Unlimited. Check out the rest of the series on Amazon
here. Bonus excerpts are available here on my blog - access them from the
series overview.
Leo and Christophe are growing up and experiencing the initial pangs of adolescence, which leads to Christophe getting into some serious trouble. His punishment sends shockwaves through the royal household that impacts the rest of the summer, if not the rest of their lives. The family’s annual holiday to Auroch is more eventful than usual when James decides to come along.
In the fall, the arranged marriage takes place. James’ scheme is revealed, and it’s more diabolical than anyone could have imagined.
Then came time for the annual trip to Auroch. The evening before they were scheduled to depart, Henri and Geoff were discussing some last-minute preparations at dinner, when out of nowhere, James said, “You know, I think I might join you.”
Henri and Geoff broke off. “Join us?” Henri echoed.
James looked at his son, apparently wounded. “Well, only if I’d be welcome--”
“Of course you’d be welcome, Father,” Henri said quickly. “We’re just surprised, is all. You’ve never come with us before.”
“I think a bit of fresh air would do me good.”
“I’m sorry, just—help me to understand this. Was it not you who always referred to the Parthenaises as our ‘poor country relations,’ and to Fermin as ‘the hillbilly duke,’ or am I thinking of someone else?”
“If you don’t want me to come, just say so.”
“No one is saying that.” Henri and Geoff exchanged another look. They both knew very well why James wanted to come. Endymion had been gone now for over a month, with no sign of coming back. When the rest of them departed for Auroch, James would be left alone at Four Mothers. “I would just hate to see you go someplace where you will not enjoy yourself.”
“Why wouldn’t I enjoy myself? I like a good hunt as much as the next man.”
“You know it will mean a procession and you hate processions.”
“I’m aware of that.”
Geoff, sensing the impending argument, spoke quickly. “I’ll see to the arrangements, Your Wisdom.”
* * *
The Parthenais family gathered outside the gates to await their guests’ arrival, as they always did. They were stunned to see the King arrive first on his crimson stallion.
“Your Wisdom!” Fermin cried. He dropped to one knee and everyone else immediately followed suit.
Alyssa had ridden in beside the King. Rainier was not hard to spot, standing right up front with his father and grandfather. Their eyes met for an instant before he, too, knelt.
James dismounted. “Arise, all of you.” Turning to Alyssa, he helped her down from her horse.
Fermin gave James a deep bow. “Your Wisdom, you honor us.”
“Cousin, it’s been too long since I paid you a visit,” James returned. Seeing the two men side-by-side, it was hard to believe they were about the same age—Fermin looked old enough to be James’ father. Fermin was in good shape, but he was unmistakably in his seventies.
As Fermin straightened up, he paused, thrown at the sight of James’ hand still resting on the small of Alyssa’s back. “Ah… I’m afraid you caught us unawares, Your Wisdom. I hope you’ll forgive us if the accommodations are not quite up to your usual—”
James waved off the duke’s concerns. “Please, Fermin, we’re family. I’m here to hunt and make camp right along with the rest of you, so don’t trouble yourself.” He looked up at the castle nestled into the mountainside. “Turns is exactly as I remember it.”
Fermin inclined his head. “Turns is yours, Your Wisdom.”
The others had dismounted and joined them. “Fermin, Arcadios!” Henri said jovially, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “So good to see you!”
Fermin’s relief was palpable. “And you, cousin. But who is this? This can’t be Leopold! Look at you, lad! Damn me, if you haven’t sprung up since I saw you last! How tall are you now?” He ruffled Leo’s hair, pulled him into a rough embrace. Then he held him at arm’s length, looking into Leo’s face. “Your Wisdom, I tell you, this boy grows more and more like you every time I see him!”
James liked that, pulling Leo proudly against his other side in a one-armed hug.
“Uncle,” Leo said, “you remember my fiancée, Miss Calderon?”
“Of course, of course, who could forget so lovely a mademoiselle?” Fermin bent over Alyssa’s hand. She smiled and looked down, mainly because she really didn’t have anything to say to this blowhard and it was considered a perfectly acceptable response for a modest Corbenese girl. Fermin peered at her. “Finally tamed this one, have you? No more climbing trees or roughhousing with the boys for you, eh, missy?”
Alyssa didn’t raise her head, but James said, “Oh no, not tame. But nothing proper men can’t handle.”
Fermin feigned laughter and went on down the line, “Geoff, always glad to see you, lad.”
Geoff laughed. “Listen to that! ‘Lad’ he still calls me.”
Without missing a beat, Fermin said, “You’ll always be a lad to me, boy. Compared to me, that’s what you are. And here’s Christophe. Going to bag us another elk this year?”
After all the pleasantries had been exchanged, some of Leo’s younger cousins ran up, eager to drag him and Christophe off to the woods. Leo and Christophe hesitated, looking at Alyssa, who, in turn, looked at James.
The King chuckled. “You see, Fermin?” he grabbed Alyssa’s jaw, squeezed her cheeks. “She knows who her master is.” Releasing her, he nodded for her to go.
Leo took her hand and, together, they hurried away.