Friday, February 28, 2025

February News


I received this earlier this month. Thank you to the SFPA for this honor. Here is the winning poem, "Little Brown Changeling."


My poem, “At Culver’s Drive-Thru,” is in the latest issue of Locust Shells Journal. Many thanks to the editors for including my work. 

“Father” is in the New Feathers 2024 Anthology (print). Thank you to editor Wade Fox.


In the King’s Power is now complete – books 1-6 are now available as ebooks on Amazon/Kindle UnlimitedThank you to my readers for following this series. Ratings and reviews are welcome, and I am always happy to supply reviewer copies. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January News


My poem, “Mono no Aware,” appeared in the Chilean magazine, Ultramarine Literary Review.

This is a special milestone for me, as it means I have now been published on all seven continents! Many, many thanks to editor Catalina Bonati.


Part 5 of In the King's Power was released on January 1 as an Amazon ebook. Read a bonus excerpt here.

Part 6, which is the final installment of the series, will go live on Saturday, February 1, also as an ebook, $3.99 to purchase, or free to read with Kindle Unlimited. Read an excerpt here


In an effort to disentangle myself from the Metaverse, I have deleted my Instagram profiles. I will not delete Facebook at this time, as there are far too many people and communities there that I don't want to lose touch with, but I will not be spending much time on it, and I don't plan on posting any more writing-related announcements there-- I don't want to contribute to its engagement or Zuck's bottom line anymore than I have to. I am hoping to start separating my work from Amazon as well, as I am able. 

In the meantime, you can find me on BlueSky And, if you are so inclined, I am still on LinkedIn, and can be reached by email


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

In the King's Power - Part 6 Cover Art and Excerpt

Part 6 is the final part of In the King's Power. It will be available February 1 on Amazon, free on Kindle Unlimited, $3.99 to purchase. Check out the rest of the series on Amazon here. Bonus excerpts are available here on my blog - access them from the series overview


Reunited with her foster father at last, Alyssa must choose the life she ultimately wants.


THE coming weeks were every bit as hard as Clayton had imagined they’d be.

After he treated and bandaged the wound, Alyssa began to speak, haltingly at first. He’d picked up a few leatherbound journals in town, as well as some pen and inks, and now, he asked her permission to take notes as they talked. She granted it.

Their progress was interrupted the following day when she took the bandage off. The scalding metal had done nothing to mar the dessin itself—just the flesh around it. Clayton explained that, from what he’d learned from talking with Thia and her Red Garter friends, the dessin was created using alchemical inks, formulated with powerful enchantments. Occasionally, women who’d managed to escape their husbands and keepers found ways to black out the marks, but that was all. Even an alchemist or a healer could not erase it completely. They could remove the colors, but the woman would still be left with a ghostly outline.

Alyssa became quite hysterical at that. She howled, she screamed, she pounded the walls with her fists until she fractured her knuckles, and blood ran down her arms. If she were any other mental health patient, Clayton would recommend a sedative, anti-anxiety medication, but with Alyssa, that just wasn’t an option.

Outwardly, he kept his cool, holding her when she finally wore herself out, tending again to her injuries. But inwardly, he was heartbroken. No parent wanted to see their child go through this. He was also frightened. This was the most dangerous time. What if she hurt herself so badly, he wouldn’t be able to treat it with ointments and bandages? Or what if…?

But no. He refused to even think it. She’d come this far. She’d make it the rest of the way through this.

When he stepped outside to refill the water bucket, he found animals surrounding the house, looking somberly on. He left the door open and some of them followed him inside. Having a fox curled around her feet, a chipmunk on her shoulder, seemed to soothe her.

The priority was to make sure she didn’t hurt herself again. Clayton didn’t think she would. Both times, she’d injured only her hands, trying to destroy the dessin. But all the same, he asked her to stay close to the cabin for the foreseeable future. “Please, don’t go anywhere without me?” He put in only the tiniest hint of a question, to make it sound like a request and not a directive.

Understanding him perfectly well, she nodded. “I won’t.”

Alyssa resumed speaking. Days passed, and she continued to speak. Of course, the story did not come chronologically. She laid it out like a terrible Tarot spread for him to interpret. The cards shuffled and overlapped and reversed direction, but they stuck with it. The individual incidents even sounded like the trump cards of some strange new arcana: the Mute Queen, the Burning Girl, the Forty Slain Men, the Masquerade, the Kiss of Life, the Suicide Princess, the Sword and the Carving Knife.