My poem, "Father," was reprinted in Confetti's spring issue. (It previously appeared in New Feathers.) Thank you to editor Gabriel Sebastian.
Screaming Intensifies is fifteen strange and
fantastic tales: A man stranded on a deserted island is menaced by a mermaid. A
seemingly idyllic Midwest farm is situated on the edge of a forest where
strange creatures dwell. A sin eater attempts to help a man on death row.
Demons, ghouls, weird west settings, fairy tale retellings, a horse-headed
lady, and more dark imaginings haunt these pages. More details to come.
For the three or four of you that read and liked The Order of the Four Sons series, I have been working on a project since 2015 that I am now doing final edits on. It's an alternate timeline called In the King's Power, and will be released serially in six parts. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to use Kindle Vella or just plain old Kindle Unlimited. It was a lot of fun to write, so I hope someone else finds it as fun to read. I will share more details as I finish up edits and get ready to release Volume 1. Stay tuned!